Bali province has the uniqueness and special characteristic itself. In government order is famous by official government and tradition. The existence of traitional organization is arranged by territory regulation number 3, 2003. About Pakranian villages, In 2005, the number of Pakranian villages are 1432 villages, consist of 3945 Banjar tradition. Beside that there are 276 history sites which is in good take care. The number of community (sekaha) are Bali dancer art, it is about 3738 group, music art or Karawitan 7944 art and group of Pesantian 1765 groups.
Social culture life’s Bali people is Based on “Tri Hita Karana” philosophy. It means three cause of prosperity that needs balance and harmony are relationship between himan to God (Parahyangan), Human to Human (Pawongan), and Human to environment (palemahan). People live behavior is based on “karmaphala” philosophy; it is kind of believed that there are cause effect between act and result of the act. A big part of people life is colored by any kind religious or tradition ceremony. So their spiritual life cannot be removed from any kind or ritual ceremony, because of that, every time in some place of Bali is seen of ceremony dish of food or flower ceremony. This ceremony has distant of time as periodically, incidental, and in every day, it makes group of five called Panca Yadnya, consist of Dewa Yadnya, it is ceremony connect with worship to the only God or Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. Rsi Yadnya is ceremony which relation with the religious leader (priest, pamangku and other), Pitra Yadnya, it is ceremony which has relation with ancestors spirit (Ngaben Ceremony, Memukur), Manusa Yadnya
Is ceremony which has relation with human (welcome birth, three month, otonan, cut tooth and marriage) and Buta Yadnya, it is ceremony which has relation with keep watch the natural balance ( Mecaru ceremony, Mulang Pekelem).
One of other local wisdom is the existence of Subak organization as the organization to arrange about Bali’s traditional irrigation systems which have the characteristic of socio-religious. This organization is consisting of Subak which arrange the weth field agriculture (rise field) and Subak Abian it arrange the dry agriculture (tegalan). In this year, there are 1.312 Subak.
Source: Indonesia Tanah Airku (2007).
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Jumat, 30 Januari 2009
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